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Old April 24th, 2008, 08:49 AM
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StormCrow434 StormCrow434 is offline
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Default Ulmish Updates

I've beaten myself...had a GOOD chance to kill the TC pretender and instead split my forces. I had a mage set to cast Flaming Arrows and thought it would be good enough, but for whatever reason he did not.

Had I erred on the side of caution and thrown in my Pretender it would have been a much different outcome. Instead of losing 240 of 290 troops plus many leaders (and magic items) I would have killed his Pretender and many troops; they were trying to Break Siege so an Ulmish victory would have been total.

And oh, the luck! I just recieved a free Fortress via Random Event! In a Province deep in TC territory that I had raided by air...enjoy it, Donny!
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