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Old April 24th, 2008, 01:06 PM

Xox Xox is offline
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Default Re: Peace with Pythium

woo, where in the heck does the fevered imagination of anyone connect anonymous rituals to metagaming?

Hey, it's all in good fun, no worries. I take none of this personal, and i hope you do not either. You got me good, but..... it was a violation of the nap!!!

Attacking someone during a nap treaty is breaking a nap. Just because it is an anonymous ritual does not mean it is not an attack or not breaking your treaty of non aggression.

Trying to hide behind the anonymous part of it does not change the fact that an attack is breaking the treaty. And with that many attacks, then telling me you were terminating the nap and giving me the three turn warning after already delivering 20-40 of the continuing attacks it was really not anonymous anyways.

Naming you a treaty breaker is my right, calling me rude for doing so, is just evasion.
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