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Old April 24th, 2008, 04:06 PM
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Default Re: Peace with Pythium

Xox said:
woo, where in the heck does the fevered imagination of anyone connect anonymous rituals to metagaming?
When it rains frogs in your capital, you cant say if the frogs were sent by pangaea or anyone else.

Xox said:
Hey, it's all in good fun, no worries. I take none of this personal, and i hope you do not either. You got me good, but..... it was a violation of the nap!!!
Nope, anonymous rituals cant break a nap, as they are anonymous. Also stealthy preaching, sneaking armies or to position huge armies on a border are not breaks of a nap. Even equipping vane venom charms on your scouts and sending them into the enemy capital is not a break of a nap (at least not until they are caught, and even then it is not a break of the nap but when someone would do that to me i would ignore the nap and attack the offender anyway).

Xox said:
Attacking someone during a nap treaty is breaking a nap. Just because it is an anonymous ritual does not mean it is not an attack or not breaking your treaty of non aggression.

An anonymous ritual is not an attack, or it is an attack but not by you, so it cant break a nap.

Xox said:
Naming you a treaty breaker is my right, calling me rude for doing so, is just evasion.

If in your opinion i have broken a pact, then you had another pact with me than i had with you.
A NAP is just an early game tool to make a deal with a player that both will attack some one else at first. Later on a nap gives you the chance to put your troops in position before the war starts (And your troops where in place as you invaded me with a huge army in the start of the war, if i really would have broken the nap you would not had that chance and the whole war would have been fought on your teritorry).
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