Re: Peace with Pythium
Well said Tichy,
And that poll Hadrian has in another thread intentionally muddies the issue.
Hadrian, Just put up a poll that says "does casting anonymous rituals break a nap?"
yes or no?
Casting an attack ritual is aggression whether it is anonymous or not,
The only aspect that the anonymous part brings up is who is the one attacking.
In our case, in the game fallacy, there was no question it was you.
Not saying your a bad person or anything, as i said before don't take this personal. I just said you broke the nap, Breaking a nap is not cheating, perfec;ly legal, might affect you getting other people to trust you in traaties though. I guess that is really what this discussion is about.
But what do you expect Hadrian?!!
You signed a treaty that said you would give me 3 turns warning before you attack and then you hit me with about 50 rain of toads!! 20 before you even started the three turn count down.
Come on, would you yourself trust a nap with another player who does that?