Tim Brooks said:
There being people who do not care of this issue or even favour exploitative marketing does not make this complaint any less significant for those who do care
All I can say is that it must be hard for you living in the world we do with that attitude.
Yes, it is. Most of us recognize that complaining about it isn't going to make one whit of difference, though, so we don't bother.
If you don't like the ads, don't buy our products and don't frequent our site.
I already own every available Shrapnel product that I'm interested in, and there's only one more thing in the pipeline that I was planning to buy before this sophomoric ad campaign started.
If I didn't feel that monitoring the Space Empires forum was part of my "duties" as an admin for the Play-By-Web site, I would cut back on my visits to Shrapnel's site until this travesty burned itself out.