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Old April 25th, 2008, 10:21 AM
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Tim Brooks Tim Brooks is offline
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Default Re: What is the story with those dominion ads??

Ahh, gratuitous violence. I was hung up on the violence word. I see now.

If you had to describe dominions in a few key words, would violent or bloody be amongst them?
Well yea, since that was what we were advertising. You know it is very hard to advertise the strategy element of a game. Unless we used a couple of people deep in thought, but then they would be "unrelated pictures" of people which is also taboo. Or are you suggesting that beautiful women may not want their Dominions 3?

Okay, I am just having a go at you. Sorry.

The last I'll say here is what I tell all the people who write us each month saying we are heretics and doing the devils work by publishing fantasy and role playing games:

Opinions vary, please feel free not to support us.
Tim Brooks
Shrapnel Games
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