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Old April 25th, 2008, 06:42 PM
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Amhazair Amhazair is offline
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Default Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!

bernardo said:
I'm in, as Sauromatia if possible.
Race Selection:

Each player should send me a list of ten races you want to play, with the race you want the most being listed as one. You can also send in a list of 5 races you do not want to play. You will not have to play one of these races. You can also add(no water races) to the bottom of your list, and I will try to honor the broader request as well.

1st Seed: After the deadline I will award nations based on the player's first choice. If multiple players desire the same nation I will randomly select the player that is assigned the nation. With one caveat, if a player is listed in the Hall of Fame and has won a large MP game, and he is tied with a player who is not in the Hall of Fame, then the newer player will get the race. The thinking is the veteran players can better adapt to playing a race that is not their top pick than a new player who may only know 1 or 2 races.
2nd Seed: We repeat the last step with those players that still have not been awarded nations and still have preferences.
3rd Seed: Repeat the Second Seed.
4th, 5th, 6th, etc. Seed: Continue until there are no more conflicts.
Last Seed: On the seed where there are no more conflicts the final preferred nations are awarded and all the remaining players (those that ran out of preferences or never provided any) are randomly assigned the remaining nations.
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