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Old April 26th, 2008, 08:24 AM
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Default Re: AI spell casting priorities

Aezeal said:
for astral you have light of the northern star quite high.. it cost a gem right? and it's not like that gem will be worth it most of the time (if it only gives +1 astral magic). IMHO light of the northern star should be one of the never cast unless scripted for powerfull casters that benefit from it in multiple paths)
Power of the Spheres and Light of the Northern Star are different. I think I didn't have PotS at all. Light of the Northern Star gives +1 Astral to everyone on the battlefield, and because it's battlefield enchantment it can only be cast once per battle, so even in the worst case a lone S3 mage wastes 1 gem to become an S4 mage.
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