Wrana said:
My personal favorite is, of course, attacking with 2 armies and forgetting to change "sneak" into "move" for one of them... Unfortunately, hadn't got anything like this in current MPs... 
I had one of these on the King of the Island game. I was playing C'tis (without much efficiency I confess...) and was planning to attack Machaka. I move several stealth armies (mainly shades & shadows) on the provinces I wanted to seize and where my scouts reported no or very few DP... and I forgot to make them move instead of sneak. The turn after, I attacked at least. but the time was over : the main province and 2 other had received armies, the main province had also a beatiful fort built, just under my nose
Of course, bad times were only to begin since Machaka was one of the power nations of the game, while I was one of the poorest ones