April 27th, 2008, 01:59 AM
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Re: God Editor v102
For Wine users maybe the following might be of some help. I found this post via google:
Please be patient, the explanation will be a little boring:
1. Visual Basic is a tool (language) used to make applications (programs)
2. Windows use a concept called "dynamic libraries". These dynamic
libraries are collections of little programs that can be called by the
"main" programs. (For example: a word processor program can call
a little program for read a file from the disk, and this last program is
within a dynamic library).
3. The dynamic libraries are files with the extension "DLL". These DLL's
are located usually in the directory \windows\system.
With those concepts understood, VBRUN60.DLL is the library employed
by the applications created using Visual Basic 6. This library must be
with the application (otherwise, the application will not work). The first
source must be the installation disk (s) of the application. On the other
you can find VBRUN60.DLL in any MSBox that have any application created with
VBasic 6.0 or you can find it in some sites in the web.
Another point: Wine create a "fake" windows directory and a "fake"
directory. You must put (copy) the DLL in this directory (where the
application will
search for the VBRUN60.DLL).
I hope this help you.