cleveland said:
Marble Warriors seems to take priority over Army of Gold, strangely.
So I wanted to get to the bottom of this, which just cost me, albeit only marginally, in a current game: I outfitted an E1 mage with Earth Boots (now E2), who casted Summon Earth Power (now E3) in round 1 (Exhibit A), and who had 4E gems in stock, scripted to cast Army of Gold next.
[Exhibit A]
As mentioned, the guy cast Marble Warriors instead, which offers less protection to far fewer troops.
I did the Dom3 -ddd switch, the relevant debug code is below:
Celarim cast spell (favspell Army of Gold) (mayusegems 1)
comp_castspell: eval Army of Gold result -1
castspell: cnr1007 spl394 (Marble Warriors) vis3 x8 y13 spldmg65536
So the game didn't even think my guy could cast it, which is extremely odd to me. It's a E4 spell, requiring 3E gems, so 4E should be enough to boost him to cast it, or to at least evaluate it. The previous turn I was able to get an E2 mage with Earth Boots (now E3) to cast Summon Earthpower (now E4) in round 1, followed by Army of Lead in round 2, with the same 4E gems in stock; hypothetically this is an identical scenario.
Edit: Not a [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img]! Can't use more gems than your current path level!