johan osterman said:
You can never spend more gems in a turn than you have in the path. So to cast a spell that have the same path requirement as gem cost you must have that same path value before the gem boost
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... It all makes perfect sense now. Thank you for the very prompt & thoughtful reply.
A mage can only use as many gems as his current skill level in that path.
For whatever reason, I interpreted this to mean "After spending one gem to temporarily boost me to level X+1, I can spend an additional X+1 gems to cast this spell." But the current, more aesthetically pleasing paradigm is that Boosting & Casting are fundamentally inseparable. Very cool.
I'm editing my posts above to reflect my newfound wisdom.
Edit: New question...Since path bonuses received from being a communion master don't actually increase your base magic path totals, communion masters do not see increased max gem expenditure, correct? For example, had I made an E2 mage the master of a 2 slave communion, he could NOT cast an E3 spell requiring 3E gems, right?