ologm said:
Fatigue is capped at 200.
Remember, the queen did not go above 190. I did not say 200. She only had 5 reinvigoration. Fatigue did not go below 190 until ALL the fire elementals died. Fatigue can go well beyond 200. Of course, units start taking damage, but fatigue is not *converted* to damage. You don't start taking damage from fatigue UNTIL you go above 200.
lch said:
I feel tempted to set up a test game where 1000 Markata win against a Water Queen, thus proving that Water Queens can NEVAR win a game.
Add this to the equation:
-Twin Spear (Call Lesser Horror) in battle, not used though
-Charcoal Shield
-Amulate of Luck
-Starshine Skullcap
-Marble Armor
-Amulate of Resilience
-5 experience stars (+5 to defence and attack)
-YOU are the attacker. YOU retreat after 50 turns.