Edratman2 said:
Two level one priest/mages for each nation: 1 with a single 100% random elemental and 1 with a single 100% random in sorcery. Gives all nations a shot at non-national paths, but doesn't make it easy.
That's not really what this mod is about, since it would be a pretty huge change. It might make an interesting mod on its own though.
VedalkenBear said:
C'tis could use a troop or two that could be used with their Poison Slingers.
Bog beast cavalry ;]
Of your other ideas I rather like:
Marignon: Fire-resistant 'Guardian of the House of Justice' or maybe 'Justiciars'.
Machaka: A sacred troop that costs <100g.

Poison Resistance would probably be the way to go. Perhaps give them a weapon that has a secondary effect of webbing the target? Hrm, basically sacred Bane Spider troops, it seems.
Caelum: A hybrid melee/ranged unit. That way, they could use hold/attack much better, and leverage the good precision Caelum gets on most of its units.
The Pythian communion troops wouldn't really work out. I had an idea for MA Pythium - Vanrangian Guard - Heavy Infantry Vans drawing inspiration from the ceremonial Varangian guard of byzantium. I'm thinking mapmove 1, castle def bonus, patrol bonus possibly, axes, overpriced to represent their rather ceremonial nature.
I think KO would like Mictlan to remain an infantry nation.
I like the idea of chariots for Eriu.
Tienchi fighting monks might be interesting, but there's no shortage of possibilities for TC.
Machaka can't have any lion based units because of the upcoming EA Machaka, but something like a Leopard or Hyena themed non sacred troop would be interesting. I'll look up some unusual african weapons too.
Bandar Log could perhaps do with an elite bandar infantry, since they are all about the bandar basically.