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Old April 29th, 2008, 05:17 PM

Psycho Psycho is offline
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Default Re: Turn 13

Nation of Helheim is defeated. I will switch it to AI this turn as there is no point in playing any more.

The final battle was just plain stupid. I just summoned hordes of undead and they held the gate. Niefelheim had no chance of winning the battle even if it lasted for a 1000 turns. But after the turn 50 limit most of his army didn't retreat because they were berserked. Then came the second turn limit and my armies retreated and now they are all dead because they had nowhere to retreat. Also all of his berserked units died.

So Niefelheim lost 30 Niefel giants and a niefel Jarl. That is more than half of the army he sent on me. He is much weakened now and although I lost nearly all my troops, I won the battle so he will have to siege the castle from scratch again. If anyone was planning on attacking Niefelheim I don't think there will be a better time.

One more thing. This battle would sure end in a quite different way if I had researched the essential spell - darkness. I didn't research it because I focused on construction instead on alteration. That is because I thought that Motomouse (Niefelheim) would honor our NAP and give me 3 turn warning before attack. This way I would have enough time to research darkness. But that did not happen. He attacked with no warning. So if a Niefel army is moving towards your border get ready to fight even if you have a NAP.
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