Re: Tips for newbs - just add
Remember the Dominions ethic. Soldiers suffering from terrible diseases or crippling disabilities are not discharged or treated. They are to be promoted to hold the glorious position of point men (aka arrow/javelin/lance fodder). Point men work best in small groups positioned in front the your main melee forces.
This serves to practical purposes:
1. Wastes "ammo" attacks, especially the dangerous Lance charges of cavalry.
2. Kills these subpar units so you don't have to pay upkeep.
Addendum: Commanders are usually an exception of this rule, and eye and heart injuries can be "treated" with Thaumernetic implants, such as Eye of Aiming. But if it's a crap commander (like a diseased scout) don't hesitate to stick a cursed or suicide item on him and toss him at some enemy (or send him to the deathmatch). With luck some foolish enemy commander (or Pretender) will pick up the cursed items.