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Old May 1st, 2008, 12:59 PM

Renojustin Renojustin is offline
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Default Re: Ascendant - EA Game For New Players (Sign Ups

There's an enormous difference between giving gems and gold and items, and giving advice. One you can recieve from anyone on the forums. If I had to consider anyone an enemy that gave an opponent advice, well then, there wouldn't be many people left in the community that I could say wasn't an enemy!

Giving someone gems, gold, or magic items, though, to fight another nation, is clearly a hostile move against that nation. Why do you think the United States is so upset with Iran?

For your turns, make sure you're using the Network, and not just Play An Existing Game. If you do, then make sure you go to the network and ensure that the 2h files upload.

Regarding Fomoria, it's really too bad he didn't stay and stick out the game, for a host of reasons. I hope he turns in some faster turns in recompense.
Sauromatia: Lawful Evil
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