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Old May 1st, 2008, 09:38 PM

Drake49 Drake49 is offline
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Default Re: Mega Age II (Kingmaker) Sign Up!


Mind Hunt is not that better than Seeking Arrow (which can't be resisted and kill most humans commanders), or Earth Attack and national assassination spells. In a large game trading for some antimagic amulets in not that hard.

Magic Duel is a spell very rarely used, it's just a problem if you have an astral 1-2 pretender and want to use it on the battlefield against an astral nation (not a good idea).

Master Enslave come late with slow research, remaining players should have a way to cast antimagic, but I agree in some situations (round one casting in defense, when the ennemy can't protect his army) it's one the most overpowered spell (like any instant spell not counterable in round one).

I'd like a game mechanic to be created, making impossible to use any instant battlewide offensive spells in round one (not only Master Enslave but also Rain of Stones, Earthquakes, Bone Grinding, Arcane Domination, Undead Mastery, Unraveling) so the attacker has one round to cast army buffs ; then endgame battles can't be resumed by "defender wins if he has mages and gems". But as this mechanic isn't present, and such a rule is totally unenforcable, I think it's better to play with them than to remove all the spells in this category (and see no reason to remove only master enslave, the problem is not a particular spell).

Mind Hunt is virtually harmless compared to abominations like Manifestation. The Ashen Angel is almost an SC, and is certainly a thug capable of destroying small armies all by itself.

Magic Duel 'isn't a problem' because most people don't even bother trying to use Astral Mages against a stronger Astral Nation. And that is a big deal.

Rain of Stones is only effective against unarmoured critters. If you can't put a Hide Shield/Black Steel Whatever Shield/Shroud of the Battle Saint(getting a Bless)/Use a mage that can survive then I don't really have any sympathy.

Earthquake kills fatigued mages.... with 0 fatigue it isn't going to do that good a job.

If someone is casting Master Enslave they are doing one of two things. They have a large number of mages in a communion, or they have alot of equipment on a mage. Given that Manifestation can kill ANYTHING, and Flames from the Sky can slaughter armies, I assume this 'killer army' is stationary, hidden behind expensive domes, and doing nothing at all. That makes it a "not killer" army.

But it's blocking my route! Then use Astral Travel, Farie Trod, or Stygian Paths(+Stealth Troops).
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