Yes, I was.
I had endless chain of meetings today at work (we went into code freeze mode yesterday). In between I was trying to squeeze few minutes now and then to make my turn, while keeping an eye on the game timer. Since until the last hour before force-hosting game timer is very inaccurate (it can say that there are 2 hours left before the next hosting, when in fact it's 1 hour and 1 minute), I had to log in several time, which has driven poor Xavier nuts.
Sorry about it. This turn is going to be sloppy for me - no site searching and just a basic forging. But at least I have managed to cover most important things. (or so I hope)
EDIT(after looking at new turn): All right, it looks as if an impressive Marveni teleportation blitzkrig invasion into the southern lands, which has came close to annihilating two smaller nations, has been repelled. Nations of Ermor and Kailissia are saved from druidic tirany.
Unfortunately I have no idea where Marveni came from, for their remote homeland lies far away, somewhere beyond realm of Mictlan.
But even now, my scouts are spreading in all directions, listening, searching. Druids may hide for a while, but they can not hide forever. Sauromatian Empire is coming, forest dwellers. Can you feel the smoke from the burning sacred groves in the air?

It is the omen of the things to come.