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Old May 7th, 2008, 03:34 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: OT - \"forbidden weapon\" question

MA Arcoscephale
Slingers based on Rhodes?
Archers based on cretans?

MA Mictlan
Recruitable atlatl (double range jav) armed infantry
Serpent/snake warrior sacreds? With poison res obviously

MA Eriu
Firbolg Fian – heroic elite firbolg with forest survival, standard (3), javs/melee
Gallowglass – foreign humans with axe + heavyish armour
Milisian kern – armed with darts (lighter javs with longer range)

MA Man
Forester recruitable – hatchet, dagger, shortbow, medium armour, forest survival, patrolbonus 1, stealth, animal awe 0/1 (also give animal awe to forester leader). Backstory is that they were formed to protect Man from invaders, brigands, rampaging animals and beasts, as well as raid the enemy to pre-empt attacks. A real all-rounder with no great strength or weakness.
Possibly wolfhounds? Non stealthy, patrolbonus 1, +1 supply, forestsurvival, similar stats to wolf. Could be summoned by a commander, recruitable, or a nature summon.

MA Marignon
Justicar – religious guards/police with fire res, good armour, mace + shield (sacred or not?) wear robes of their religious order over their armour

MA Machaka
Cheaper sacred troop? Leopard / Hyena warrior cults might be interesting, but anything sacred would certainly have to be related to spiders

MA Caelum
A hybrid missile / melee troop of some sort – might actually be used well by AI if given ammo of 2 or 3 – will fire off all ammo then attack

MA Ulm
Arbalest+tower shield ‘pavise’ unit?
Ulmish ‘Militia’ – very different from most militia, expected to hold off enemies until the slow moving regular Ulmish forces can arrive, so have to be less crap. Medium armour and halberds – even have fort def bonus of 1. All for a low gold price and (relative to other ulmish) low resources too.

EA Tirnanog
Attacotti berserker – A primitive tribe of naked berserk cannibals released in battle by the tuatha – they are like gladiators in that they are usable for only one battle?
Chariot – light/small, driver+jav chucker, not a trampler?

Spell ideas

A fireball that when it lands summons a small fire elemental – could be an excellent spell for abysia

Marignon – a holy/fire advanced version of bonds of fire – trial of fire, test of faith etc – can also throw in a panic effect or fear effect for extra synergy

W/D – Chilling bolt – frost bolt + fear effect, high prec

Spells that immobilise + cloud effects. You could have bonds of fire + sulfur cloud, tangle vines + leeching darkness (could be a great one for pangaea)

Earth gem using teleport spell – Agartha?

Battlefield wide resist elements – TC?
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