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Old May 8th, 2008, 06:50 PM
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Default Re: VesperBat - LA game for new players - open

Whoops, sorry for the lack of response time all! I've been having trouble with my computer lately, the graphics card shorted out, so it can barely even run Dominions 3 without crashing! Pretty sad. I'm getting a new computer on the 12th, so I should be back in full force by then.

As for the moment, I will set Jomon to AI and I concede the war to Arcosephale, who simply overwhelmed me with sheer volume of troops - summoned and recruited. I didn't get to watch the last battle, but I had a couple supercombatants who I thought would turn the tide and apparently didn't. Oh well! Good game everyone. Zenphos, would you like to be the new admin? I won't be able to check the thread for a while and don't want to leave you guys hanging.
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