Re: Stinky Slimy Things
Of course. I mean Atlantis is just a puppet; they can't be faulted.
Pan is the nation to be held accountable. Just because he can't be number one, he gives large sums of resources to a neighbor. Doesn't seem very pretenderly-like, does it? More of a metagame issue, I think. It seems that any REAL pretender, actually REALLY playing within the bounds of the game universe, would fight and claw to the last scrap of land; not give up and give away resources to a neighbor.
Strangely enough though, 'first past the post' systems are what breeds third party politics. Fighting for godhood is a bit different from constructing political power strategies though; as personal godhood rather than party power is at stake. As natural human players, it is tempting to create third party political fabrications; but I think it is probably metagaming given the goal of the Dominions universe.