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Old May 9th, 2008, 07:32 AM
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Default Re: Hosting delay please

Pythium has thrown a very large powerful communion based master enslaving army at Tien Chi's former capital and is now besieging Pangaea.

It has 14 Arch Theurgs, 2 Air Queens, 2 Harbingers a Tartarian Cyclops and various troops equipped up to the neck in items.

He has a lot of my poor Bakemono's, now enslaved, fighting for him.

Fortunately my PD/Armies has saved me against the rest of his SC's/Ghost Riders and he only has that one province right now.

If Pythium succeeds in taking some more provinces it will conveniently give him a front right next to C'tis.

I guess it is time for the End Game..
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