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Old May 9th, 2008, 07:46 AM

kasnavada kasnavada is offline
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Default Re: Two Birds With One Stone

C'tis may not pose a threat now, but think about if they put up Wild Hunt. Does Sauromatia have the peace to simply research to the top of the food chain? No, and neither should C'tis, though that is what is happening.
Claire says : Sauromantia had more research, twice the territory, three time the armies, is in a corner of the map facing less than 2 opponents (because you are wasting your armies here), and you do this because you are afraid of a spell that can potentially attack about 3 mages per month on the entire world ?

Claire says that she has not much else to say. Claire says that it is the most ridiculous reason that she has ever seen.

Claire is happy though. Claire thinks that it will be easy to beat someone who is afraid of the dark and ready to jump at shadows.

Claire finally says that this quote from your Tun Tzu describes the current strategy should be : "He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious".
You and your devil-loving monkey "allies" know that it's not the time to fight us. A 2 vs 2 fight means that no matter who "wins", all four of us will lose. During that time real threats will grow strong. Strong enough that none of us will be able to block them.

Claire still, one last time, offers you a good condition : go back to the sea, grow strong, grow bold, grow smart, and Claire shall not bother you. This is the last chance you will have.


Message from Claire to the monkeys : Claire sees now that Ryleh-fishes have put a leash on you. Claire asks : Are you content to be the underdogs ? Claire asks if you remember that you can also be taken by behind ? Claire says that whereas you will be weakened when you try to invade Claire's lands, Ryleh-fishes will not. Claire doesn't know what they promised you, but by attacking Claire, you are dooming yourselves.

Edit : because it was necessary.


Last message from Claire : if Lanka and Ryleh's stance doesn't change, Claire proposes to extend Ctis'offer of a military alliance to Hellheim and anyone with a border with Lanka. Even if Claire knows that by waiting you can simply take us all later at your leisure, a military alliance would give you access to Claire's magic forging capabilities.
Often I must speak other than I think. That is called diplomacy.
* Stilgar
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