Re: Two Birds With One Stone
Oh, T'ien Ch'i, you cowards. The barbarians greedily eye your western frontier. Do you not know the threat the Sauromatians represent? Do you not know what will inevitably result from steppe barbarians invading agrarian societies, societies such as T'ien Ch'i? Kailasa is no threat to you. Kailasa is all that stands between you and Sauromatians stampeding through the Gate of Spring and Autumn. And yet you invade.
Perhaps you have an agreement with Sauromatia. Perhaps you think the Sauromatians friends. But the Sauromatians are not a tame people. They are wild and greedy. They can not be subdued, bribed, pacified, or befriended; only contained or destroyed.
Kailasa calls upon all the peoples of the north: something must be done about T'ien Ch'i, who have all the wisdom and restraint of a rabid beast. I ask this even of Sauromatia, though they consider themselves my enemy.