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Old May 9th, 2008, 11:27 AM
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Default Re: The Third Mega Game International Bank

atul said:
Janlm said:
Its not very polite to copy a concept and then advertise your copied concept in the originals advertisement i think
Big part of fun in the first megagame was the feeling of initial chaos and free-for-all in the beginning. I'd continue the impolite line by rudely pointing out that prior to game arranged deals which smell like informal alliance of up to 12 nations do not serve the "fun" for the disorganized rest.

Therefore, I Approve all the trashing this thread has gathered.
I completely agree, honestly. Do people really expect the bankers to attack each other if they get assigned capitals next to each other?

I HEREBY ANNOUNCE THE ANTIBANKING SOCIALISTIC REPUBLIC OF EARTH, otherwise known as ASRE! Let's join sickles against the evil corporate banking tyrants!

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