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Old May 9th, 2008, 06:01 PM

Drake49 Drake49 is offline
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Default Re: Fomoria

I would be willing to sub for you....

primarily because I want to see what another player uses for end-game. I have created my own end-game wierdness that seems to be doing well in the only end-game I am in. I'm not talking Alexander, I have one other MP game that is on Turn 86 and I have a decent chance of winning, despite one major desperate attempt to sabotage myself at the last second.

Anyway, I am familiar with basic end-game tactics, Ghost Riders, Send Horror, Tartinians, Forge(though it is my ally, and my primary source of confidence in the other game), Wish, teleport/stealth raiders, and the extreme difficulty of castle storming.

I would also be willing to temp for a week and give it back to you.
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