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Old May 9th, 2008, 08:24 PM
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Default Why am I so bad with Dom3


Few years of Dominions : lot of SP games, very few MP (2!) and with friends only, and I find myself very bad player ! When I play a nation I don't know (I only know Niefelheim and MA and LA R'yleh) I usually do crap ! Even if I play my beloved giants from cold I don't find myself very efficient, even against AI.

I found that my play is just not very good at early stages, but it is just catastrophic in endgames, I'm not very used with magic and finally I end with playing with large armies with well equipped assassins to kill commanders. Even my SC are probably lot of laugh...

And I still love that game, but I now spends more time reading descriptions and summoning funny critters than actually playing...

What is wrong ??
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