Re: Why am I so bad with Dom3
Well, my advice is to shoot for the killer tactics (and I means spells). While people will wax poetic about all the available tactics, there really are a select number of good ones.
Here are a few:
--Bless Rush. Pick a nation with Holy troops that can be recruited in every castle. Then, choose two off this list: Fire/Water/Earth/Nature. Go crazy.
--Flaming Arrows + missile troops(even slingers will do) + Scouts carrying Fever Fetishes with your army. Cast Flaming arrows every turn with gems
--Supercombatants: Get a big monster commander, then kit him out with equipment. Most SCs can take whole provinces alone.
--Falling Foo: If you have a nation that gets mages with Fire 3 or Water 3, get Evocation 5 as soon as possible send 5-6 mages with an army. They'll smash opposing armies pretty well.
--Race for a Global that kills everyone but you. Utterdark works well for undead-heavy nations, Astral Corruption for blood nations, and any number of globals gives massive bonuses to your nation.