First thanks for all your replies and advises.
K said:
Well, my advice is to shoot for the killer tactics (and I means spells). While people will wax poetic about all the available tactics, there really are a select number of good ones.
Yes, that exactly what I try, but something is not well good enough, with my Niefel giants I usually go for a heavy bless strategy, but I one game I just get splashed in parts by EA Abysia. Too few giants, too few castles, to few provinces...
As for SC I still have to learn how to equip them properly, even with Const 8 Find they are always beaten one day or other, even by AI. I think i will check ARENA SC replays one day to look how you equip them. I think I don't make them enough cast the good spells, I'm more in multiple attacks melee SC.
Aezael said:
If I had an alter-ego it could have been me posting (except that I don't know any nation really except midgard a bit now )
Well, I certainly don't pretend (!) to know well Niefels or R'yleh, that just that I like them so much that every time I start a party I ask myself... ' Hmmm what nation will I choose ... Man ? No, never liked longbowmen since Azincourt... Hmmm why not to stomp over those small humans with some powerful giants... you got it '
I know that no SP game will make me ready for MP, but in fact i clearly lack time for now to play MP, even one turn every 24 hours is a lot for me, hope that it will change in future but now... So I have to keep with SP and to improve it. Maybe I have to diversify my gameplay and my nations and pretenders to see simply what happens.
About the guides, yes I should really read them, they are done for that, but I love too to try bymeself, I found it very rewarding. I think the guide about magic is one that I need the more.
Will tell you if I made some progress