Marignon's voracious appetite is insatiable. We had hoped that T'ien Ch'i's vast army would give them pause, but Marignon has rolled right over them like a juggernaut. Soon, T'ien Ch'i will be destroyed by those foolish, misguided fanatics.
This cannot be permitted.
We are an honourable people, and we will abide by the terms of our NAP with Marignon, though it may mean T'ien Ch'i's downfall. Hold if you can, valiant warriors! While we do not even have the NAP with T'ien Ch'i that we share with Pythium and Marignon, we cannot sit idly by and watch T'ien Ch'i fall. Soon your foe shall face another enemy.
Marignon must be stopped.
It is now Turn 58. On Turn 60, we will give the orders to our armies, and they will invade on Turn 61!