Re: Late Era Team Game
Is it not being a spoiler in the other direction when you roll over and die when you get into a bad position? Giving your conqueror free license to stomp the AI when the going gets rough is arguably a lot more unbalancing than fighting to the last man intelligently and under player control. Or even the threat of playing intelligently, even if you're not putting effort into the turns beyond 5 minutes of work.
I'm also kind of dumbfounded that you could find my remarks somehow more offensive than the blatant personal attacks that Aezeal made to me.
And if we're going to bring up the larger concept of sportsmanship I'll challenge you to tell me the last time a pro or even college sports team just decided to stop playing. I've seen basketball blowouts with 1 minute to go and one team down 20 points, but they always play out that last minute. It would be a huge scandal if the losing team just decided to walk off the court with time on the clock because they'd "already lost." I'm not saying they'll play 100%, but they don't just walk out either.
I was also mostly talking about Ctis when I brought up the AI thing in the first place since I wasn't sure what shape Patala was in. There is a point at which you can't really affect the game any longer, but that's usually after your capital is taken.