Re: WAR!
"Foul magicks" indeed. Leave it to unreasoning fanatics of a false religion to spout such obvious hypocrisy. Be careful Marignon, lest you condemn yourselves with your own words.
Or have you forgotten your own Great Hunt?
That spell has cost me two hard-won empowered bloodhunters, and forced me to abandon a forest laboratory. We can only imagine the harm it has done the other nations, with more forest provinces than R'lyeh has. We had simply assumed you did not consider it a hostile spell against R'lyeh--or at least, that you would publicly take that obviously self-serving position. There was just enough merit to it that we did not seek to pursue the matter with you.
However, if the Great Hunt is not to be considered "foul magicks", then neither can the Burden of Time. --Or is it only that the one was cast for you, and the other against you? Can even Marignon be that blatant in its hypocrisy? It is your nation that has not abided by the spirit of our pact; we have simply made use of the opening you provided for us.
We are also confused. It is currently Turn 59, and our orders have been given to our minions. We will be unable to change them before Turn 60 arrives--and that is the turn that our NAP ends and we can give the orders for our armies to attack, as I have stated clearly in my declaration of war above. Yet you seem to be 'offering a compromise' of ordering the attacks next turn. (Or does Marignon intend to attack us this turn? We would be extremely irate at such dishonourable tactics, and at the least if you tried that we would expect you to extend the current turn, and turn off quick-host, so that we could change our already-submitted orders.)
I suspect there is a misunderstanding here however; you do not strike me as the sort to resort to such tactics. ; ) If you are asking to *delay* our war so that orders to attack cannot be given until Turn 61...let us know. I cannot agree now, without checking the game again, but we would certainly consider it.