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Old May 12th, 2008, 06:24 PM

K K is offline
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Default Re: New Player question - taking out Oceania

Tuidjy said:
K, I have to disagree about water magic. It is useful for both summoning
(the shark line of spells), army support (friendly currents) and SCs (quicken
self, water shield, breath of winter) Niefel Jarls, for example, are beasts
underwater. Or anywhere, for that matter, except for hot provinces.

All of which are useful things, but less useful than any other path except Blood and Fire when used underwater.

I mean, except for Water Shield and the shark summoning, all of the spells you've listed can be put on an SC or other unit through items, thereby saving your unit the fatigue cost of casting them.

I'd put the Paths in order or usefulness underwater as Death and Nature, then Air, then Earth or Astral, then Water, with Fire and Blood being completely useless except for items or ritual summons.

Underwater combat has been called "padded sumo" because of the difficulty of using magic there, so any spells which work underwater with basic mages are rated far more highly than niche tactics like nation-specific SC tactics.
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