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Old May 12th, 2008, 07:54 PM
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Default Re: Chicken and egg

Renojustin said:
I think that R'lyeh, Abysia, and the rest have gone about their response to a large nation in an illogical way. You need to attack the weakest neighbor as soon as possible, to even be competitive at the next level. When you attack the strongest, you waste energy better spent ensuring that you even make it to the next round of players. And later your magic can make up for the difference. Basically you waste your miliary when you could instead be using them to conquer the weak and get an advantage for your own nation.

Here are some nations that I thought had early success in aggression, and that has paid off so far and will in the end:

1) Ulm - they went right for the throat of their first enemy. Personally I think ulmishmen are meant to take down giants, but ever since then he's been playing a very tough match against three nations that wanted his land, but he's losing because of:

2) Tien Chi - they went right after Ulm when Ulm had nearly conquered Fomoria and hit their capital in a lightning attack. Ever since then, have been solidifying their control and it looks tough for Ulm now.

3) Sauromatia - I hit Tir na n'Og with everything I had because he appeared to have a slow start. That seems to have paid off. Kailasa is much tougher, as they skyrocketed to eminence once they defeated the very tough rush of Caelum.

4) C'tis - apparently attacked Marverni, and then went on to fight against two nations - they destroyed the military of R'lyeh, and it looks like they're poised to engulf Marverni. They might even get into the sea before me with that research they've got going, and take out R'lyeh. We'll be seeing you in the finals unless R'lyeh goes back to help its friend Marverni instead of rattling its turtle shells at Sauromatia.

5) Helheim - is still annexing Arcoscephale for another turn or three, I suppose mainly because it's difficult for the entire Helheim army of 50 guys to siege a single castle.

and lastly, Atlantis and Caelum. Caelum went for the throat right away, and you have to respect that. Now these two nations are fighting for their lives over there now, looking for the advantage to see who is going to triumph. Good luck to you both!
This would sound like wisdom but assuming we adopt this idea- wouldn't that make the entire south easier to invade from a 3rd party from the north, having been ravaged by war?

I think you are underplaying how much larger you are than our collective nations. None of us wants to be picked off one by one by a much larger nation and would rather see the balance of power evened out a bit.
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