And in what way am i squashing you? You took 5 provinces from me, we never fought a real battle. Or does it count as "squashing" that i successfully defended against 1 of your 3 remote summonings?
Let's just say my little horde of woodsmen archers and air/astral communion mages vs you dual blessed flagellants, wraithlords, several angels, fallen angels, arch demon,(edit: forgot the harbringers!) nice hero turned prophet (all thugs/scs tricked out heavily) and fire/gifts from heaven communion mages seems a bit of a mismatch.
How about you leave the wraithlords, heavenly angels, fallen angels and archdemons at home and we fight this mano a mano with just humans?
And I'll gladly leave my hordes for hell alone and we'll just let the bogarus troops fight vs the Marignon troops!
what do you say?