I think that R'lyeh, Abysia, and the rest have gone about their response to a large nation in an illogical way. You need to attack the weakest neighbor as soon as possible, to even be competitive at the next level. When you attack the strongest, you waste energy better spent ensuring that you even make it to the next round of players. And later your magic can make up for the difference. Basically you waste your miliary when you could instead be using them to conquer the weak and get an advantage for your own nation.
Claier will do the translation
Please, can you waste your armies in petty wars ? (I'm afraid of opposition)
Please, can you come at me one on one ? (I'm afraid of getting attacked)
Please, can you deplete your defenses against me so I can invade your back ? (I prefer to attack weak people so I grow stronger while the people that are strong don't get any stronger)
Please, can you let me grow even stronger while no one acts ?
Claire says, where are those ideas good for Claire ? Nowhere. Even suggesting those idea shows how little you thing of your opponents. Claire will not get willingly backstabbed by these "suggestion" that doom the world to your rule. Anyway, as far as Claire knows, the inaction of your early neighbours gave you a big enough advantage already. Claire means that you did take 3 nations without anyone interfering !
Sure, Claire will be going against large odds. She will probably lose. But Claire prefers to have a small chance of success and maybe hasten her death, but doing the right thing, rather than dying a cowardly death cowering in fear waiting for your armies to come pick Claire's territory.