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Old May 13th, 2008, 04:15 PM
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Default Re: Newbish question

Even Dominion 5 is a risk in MP games. I'm subbing in a game in which the nation
started with Dominion 5. When I took over, on turn 58, there was hostile
dominion in two of the provinces next to the capital, and half my provinces were
at enemy dominion 10. Dominion fights seem to be resolved at the starting
dominion, not the effective one. I.e. although they still generate temple checks,
temples do not count when dominion strengths fight, so the checks are very weak.

I have spent at least 200 astral pearls on Teleistic animates, and the previous
player had started making them even before I took over. The animates are by far
my most common commander, and what a waste that is, especially as they die in
droves whenever my castle is stormed (even though the assaults are always
repelled) Well, at least dominion death is no longer an immediate danger.
No good deed goes unpunished...
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