Thread: Magic diversity
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Old May 13th, 2008, 08:02 PM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default Re: Magic diversity

1) I'm not sure I could put a number on when a specific nation becomes diverse... 4 or more, maybe? I have never really thought of it in such specific terms.

2) Just one mage. Having access to a path is all that matters. Tho the line becomes blurry when your "access" to a path comes through a random pick.

3) Thats not what diversity means, IMO. Diversity is about the range of paths you have access to, not the strength in any given path. Not that strength doesnt matter (particularly when thinking of your magic boosting path), its just not the same as diversity.

4) Magic diversity effects everything magic. Perhaps the most obvious effect is that magically diverse nations will find more sites than other nations. Beyond that, having access to more magic paths will grant that nation freedom to use more spells, more items, more summons.

5) There are so many combinations its hard to say. However, I do know that F/E is handy both for some nice Evoc spells and forging. S/D has some fun stuff too.
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