Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players
Edi: I just checked the message archive and you said that you welcomed an alliance and NAP. So I messed up there. I'm not sure how I responded because the forum doesn't save reply messages, only original ones. If you have it still, i'd like to see it.
The reason why I remember thinking we weren't in an alliance is pretty clear though, that you didn't want to get involved with a niefelheim war due to their NAP with you. Then Kailasa became friendly and traded with me and my direction of expansion was set.
In hindsight I would have gone the other direction if I didn't get confused, the only reason being that kailasa's heat scales would have been much better than your cold scales on my lizardmen.
Here's the original message(prior ones were in game and i don't have that far back still on my email):
LeafNosedBat - NAP & Other things
From: Edi
Regarding the NAP and alliance in LNB: Ulm would welcome such a development. Vanheim declared war and we are slugging it out right now. Van's dominion is ORder 2, Sloth 1, Cold 1, Luck 2, Magic 2, no idea what sort of pretender. Vanheim's capitaal is in province 60. Abysia is located in the southern part of the map and has asked for NAP.
I currently have NAP with Niefelheim and do not expect that to change. I'm sorry I can't help you more, but I'll try to keep Vanheim contained and expand at his expense. Otherwise the danger is that I'll be caught between the rock of Niefelheim and the hard place of Abysia with nowhere to go. NOT a place I want to be...
No, not related to Carcator