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Old May 13th, 2008, 08:24 PM

Carkaton Carkaton is offline
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Default Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players

Psycho, I knew where your main army was, I did not need to bribe you. As soon as you declared on Lanka I knew my northern frontier would be relatively safe. I mean it is a bribe, but it wasn't one that I thought would prevent an immediate backstabbing against ulm. I did it as an attempt to keep you happy so that Abysia and you wouldn't team up on me in the end game. Nothing really devious or diplomatically brilliant about that. Oh and if you check your message, you did say that they were not needed

I know that 27 research a turn is not that much and did not give us parity, but I was extending a gesture to try get it closer than it was. I was not going to shut down research to let you catch up, and I knew as soon as you killed lanka that your gem income would catch up.
No, not related to Carcator
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