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Old May 14th, 2008, 05:03 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: I was looking at Patala, and it seems to have

Drake49 said:
The point when I realized New Ulm, made by Sombre, was absurd is when I tried to count the freespawn I would have coming at me after New Ulm went AI in a game I was playing. It was around 4,000. No, not 400, 4,000. This from a nation that had been brought to AI by a poor player and massive military losses. Still had 4,000 freespawn. Before the big war, probably around 6,000+. Everyone one of them non-mindless, BLESSABLE, non-undead flail wielding units. But that wasn't what drove it in.

It was when I watched a Hoch-Hammer without any equipment at all kill a fully-equiped Tartarian. The Tartarian had Luck, Invincibility, and 34 Hp of reg. a turn. Now I understand that old Sombre didn't ACTUALLY WANT the Hoch-Hammer to be able to kill a fully equiped Tartarian without any equipment at all, he just forgot how missile units keep firing after they run out of ammo. A mistake, but a fairly big on. But when your maxing a race as hard as possible, it becomes difficult to avoid little slips like that.

So old Sombre has a little trouble with that 'balance' concept there.

What the hell does that have to do with this thread, or with anything?

If you want to ***** about the balance of Ulm Reborn do so in an Ulm Reborn thread where other people who've used Ulm Reborn can discuss it. And I say *****ing because that's what it sounds like; rather than offering useful constructive criticism you're just trying to take a shot at me for whatever reason. If you want something changed, not exactly the right way to go about it.

I didn't forget that units that are out of ammo keep firing. I had no idea that happened. I've never seen it happen in a game or read anything on the forums about it.

Would anyone else who has played one of my mod nations and read its thread accuse me of purposely 'maxing' them? Ridiculous.
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