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Old May 14th, 2008, 06:48 AM
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Default Re: Newbish question

Someone did the maths, and it seems like the normal temperature variance from seasons (hot in summer, cold in winter) causes equal losses when you take neutral scales (too hot in summer, too cold in winter) or when you take one scale too much (too hot/cold in summer/winter, perfect in the other).

Taking one scale off won't hurt. In some cases, it may be a good idea to take even more, like Cold scales when you're underwater or when your troops benefit from cold scale. However, your pretender is only a single commander, and few extra points of attack and/or strength aren't enough to justify ruining your income.

Don't take extreme scales unless you have a good reason. Even if you have, don't go too far from your nation's preference. One or two picks off should be enough. As for the reasons, here are some:

Heat 3 or Cold 3 causes +2 encumberance to units and commanders that aren't resistant to that element. If your commanders/troops have even partial resistance, taking extreme temperature might help a bit.

Units that are caught on fire or numb stay so for longer in hot/cold areas, and IIRC Heat and Chill auras affect larger areas in favourable conditions. See pages 57 and 78 for the descriptions of the auras and burning/numb status.

Cold-blooded units get extra encumberance whenever they aren't in a hot province. Even neutral temperature increases their encumberance by 1. Because of this, especially Early Agartha benefits from taking some Heat.

Ice Armor is better in cold. This affects of all ages Caelum and Late Atlantis.
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