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Old May 14th, 2008, 07:09 AM

Kuritza Kuritza is offline
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Default Re: Monkeys cry for changes?

Bandar log are pathetic. At least Patala has useful combat mages; this is not true for the MA Bandar.
Their starting army is UTTER CRAP. And yes, its a seriuos handicap. I dont think you'll find a worse starting army in Dominions 3.
Their mages are sssssssssssssssssssssssslowwwwww.
Their PD sucks.
Their troops suck. They are either useless or cost too much for their prowess, and all of them are completely decimated by archers and bladewind because their best shield is (tadaaam!) buckler.
Their sacreds are very, very frail. Even with a strong bless they will still die en masse when exposed to arrows or combat spells.
Etc, etc. Of all nations, I'd rate the Bandar Log as the most pathetic - worse than even Machaka (which is mainly handicapped by the lack of access to astral - I think they need some national summon with astral magic).
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