GrudgeBringer said:
While the P is the central unit (whether a SC or a background 'Leader', it isn't the Only thing that determines what goes on in your nation.
I think us Noobs have been thinking that we need to make our pretenders all things to all situations that may arise in our nation, instead we need to make it specific to a plan and let the scales 'make the nation'.
Most people make this kind of plan. You just have to have a plan that works for your nation. "Master Enslave" is a bad plan if you don't have at least little astral for your nation to search for all the sites for gems and forge items. Also if your nation is bad at research, getting to that can be too slow (taking magic scales helps in this and even more if you are strong in magic and want to get things done quickly).
Pretender is something like the headfigure of your plan and (at least for me) the scales are the things that mold your nation with resourses, money and events.
GrudgeBringer said:
Scales, Troops, (Sacred or otherwise) Magic users ect, and pretender setup really have very little to do with each other.
As said before me, they have everything to do with each other. You need to get them in synergy, supporting and piling effects.
Let's take Pythium and hydra
kekekekeke-zerg-rush -bless for example:
* hydras regenerate and can be blessed
* you take pretender with nature bless so your hydras get more regeneration to be nearly unkillable and berserk so they never rout
* hydras are poison resistant so you reseach to foul wapors
* this can be cast easily 'cause you can straight away recruit priest to this
* with the same research path your pretender can cast Gift of Health to boost all your troop in your dominion (high to give edge in conquering)
* at the same path there is also a percentage income increasing spell so you can maximize scales to money and get massive mage spamm later
Maybe this is a bad starting plan for a nation, concidering that with this I was overrun in a MP in four years from three sides. But it was an example.