Drake49 said:
I didn't forget that units that are out of ammo keep firing. I had no idea that happened. I've never seen it happen in a game or read anything on the forums about it.
Of course they do. Anyone can send a thug without damage ability to fight PD with crossbows and witness it themselves.
Once the ammo runs out, they charge, and then point-blank fire.
Or maybe it was the Penitents or the 2 trolls that killed the Tartarian. Yeah, the two trolls couldn't even dish out enough damage to kill the Tartarian if it were paralyzed, and had a protection of 0. The Luck and the Regen alone would stop them. Of course, the Invincibility completely neutralizes the Pentitents BY ITSELF. So yeah, one Hoch-Hammer killed a fully-equiped Tartarian.
Have you heard the one about glass houses, Sombre?
Hmm. What was that glass house remark about? Please stay civil.
Archers do not point blank fire if they are out of ammo. They fight in melee with whatever weapon they have. Often a dagger or a short sword. Sometimes a fist.
Why are you upset with the mod? It is a mod after all. If you find something in the vanilla game that upsets you I would like to knew it so I could consider fixing it. I do lot's of balancing mistakes. Some issues emerges with new abilities, others appear as units are boosted or nerfed too much.
The same goes for most mod makers, but they do not have ten years of dominions experience to back up their balancing. They make something up, let people play and enjoy, collect feedback and improve. If you play a mod, you should be aware that it is not official and only a nice gesture from a creative and friendly modder. There is no need to attack him for making a mod that you do not have to use if you dislike it.
EDIT: Hmm sorry, I might have misunderstood and overstated your point.