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Old May 14th, 2008, 01:15 PM

IndyPendant IndyPendant is offline
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Default Re: WAR!

Heh. Thanks, CUnknown...I think... ; )

However, all my alpha-strike has done is even the playing field a little. I've already lost a number of thugs, your armies are much bigger than mine, and you have had the use of those provinces for far longer than I have. It remains to be seen whether I can keep what I have taken from you. I am far from winning the game, and it's in Xox's best interest for him to let us wear each other down for a bit anyway. Frankly, I'm surprised he attacked you at all, particularly if you share a NAP. I suspect he thought you would steamroll right over me, as you have all your other opponents--and he may yet be right! And finally, unlike T'ien Ch'i, Xox and I share a NAP as well, and as a quick search of my posts would show...

...I take a very, very dim view of violating NAPs.

That having been said, I would understand if Xox wants to end our NAP, and give his three-turns' warning now.
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