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Old May 14th, 2008, 03:25 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: I was looking at Patala, and it seems to have

If he saved the spirit hammers and fired them at point blank range they would shred pretty much any undead. They're 10 16 damage (no strength added) projectiles with AP and the holy bonus vs undead. But if you were actually in close combat, it couldn't have fired. I hadn't realised the spirit hammers were still AP. That is actually a leftover from when they did less damage, so that will be changed in the next version. They'll still do a huge amount of damage to any undead/demons though.

If you were in close combat it would have taken a swing with the white hammer which is dmg 9, not holy, with secondary effect of holy fire I believe. The hochhammer commander is basically an anti undead/demon thug. I would suggest that sending either of these against it isn't a great idea.

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