Thread: Curses
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Old May 15th, 2008, 01:34 PM
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Default Re: Curses

Cursed SC doesn't really matter that much. Even diseased SCs aren't dead, unless they're undead, in which case disease doesn't have any effect.

Being cursed increases the chance of getting afflictions, but the base chance is proportional to the amount damage taken compared to the max hps of the unit. This means that most SCs have intrinsic resistance to afflictions due to their hp total, and one of the requirements of being a SC is that the unit shrugs off most damage thrown at it.

SCs also have regeneration, eventually. It will help cut down the number of afflictions. And even when they do get afflictions, many are just a nuisance. Fear, limp etc are annoying, but not deadly, some SCs won't mind being Mute and undead and constructs don't care about Chest Wound. Flying undead SCs that work through auras or damage shields, like PoD, can ignore surprising number of afflictions.

Being cursed is inevitable, but you should avoid it as long as you can. Spesifically, don't attack Lizards/Shaman independents with your pretender.
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