I really could not name 1 spell that by itself was overpowered, unless it was a global. If I had to name one nonglobal, it likely would be mind hunt. And I do not think even that is overpowered, but I think it is too cheap to cast at 2 s gems.
Mind Hunt isn't powerful. Your just having flash-backs to LA Ryleh doing it's insane thing. Giving a nation a recruitable everywhere mage who is S3 and has a good chance of being S4 is overpowered. And then make them ocean and give them easy access to clams. Yeah, that'll do it. It just happens that one of the forms ridicilious clam income takes with nations that have ridicilious astral is excessive mind hunt. That's more a result of player laziness than actual effectiveness.
I had forge.
I had 200 clam astral income per turn.
I 'only' had S2 mages, so the number of 'all powerful' mind hunts I did on what should be the last turn of the game was four. Four.
That's because it takes a cap, and a coin, and at least a spell focus to get that S2 mage up so he can spit out a Hunt. So yeah, it's 'only' two astral pearls. If your LA R'yleh. And Tartanians are 'only' 10 D. And the Demi-Lich, Skull Staff, Skull Face, and the Ring/Robe.